We arrived in Florida (Llegamos a Florida)

Posted by yamilet on December 7, 2011

We drove through 4 states in one day. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

Our first stop was pensacola. At this city there is a national naval aviation museum. I thought I wan’t going to be too interested but to my surprised I loved the experience. They had planes everywhere, in the floor, hanging from the ceiling, etc they even had a section about air balloons. The blue angels planes were hanging super close but it seems that is not even close to how they fly their planes.

I couldn’t helped and had to get inside one of the planes, It reminded me when I was young and started imagining that I was talking to another pilot and checking my target and at the same time flying and I almost had to use the bomb button… but ok only in my imagination.

Mark and I tried this 3D flight simulator, Mark had to lift up the plane and once it was up we were doing all kind of turns, i enjoyed it.

The museum is free and they have one of a kind airplanes, they had one that George W. Bush flew just to mention.

Mark condujo a través de cuatro estados en un día. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama y Florida.

Nuestra primera parada fue en Pensacola. En esta ciudad hay un museo nacional de aviacion naval. Pensé que no me iba a parecer muy interesante, pero para mi sorpresa me encantó la experiencia. Tenían aeroplanos de todas partes, en el piso, colgando del techo, etc he incluso tenían una sección acerca de los globos aerostaticos. Los aviones de los ángeles azules colgaban súper cerca, pero parece que no está ni siquiera cerca de cómo vuelan estos aviones.

No me pude contener y me tuve que subir a uno de los aviones, me recordó cuando yo era joven y me empeze a imaginar que yo estaba hablando con otro piloto buscando mi objetivo y volando al mismo tiempo y casi tuve que usar el botón de una bomba … pero está bien sólo en mi imaginación.

Mark y yo nos subimos a este simulador de vuelo 3D, Mark tuvo que levantar el avión y una vez que estabamos volando hicimos todo tipo de vueltas, lo disfruté.

El museo es gratuito y tienen aviones unicos como el que George W.Bush voló solo por mencionar alguno.


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